Mrs. Jen Berry
Special Educator
I have been a special education teacher for 29 years. I graduated from Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, CT. As a special educator, one the most significant aspects of my work is establishing relationships with my students. Strong relationships are the stepping stones to building and maintaining success for all.
Personally, I enjoy hiking, biking, kayaking, and photography.
We can teach our children to flap their wings, but conditions have to be just right for them to fly
Hello! Welcome Back!!
I hope you all had a fabulous summer! It will be wonderful to see all of you again!
Email: dpalmer@cvsu.org
Mrs. Danielle Palmer
Hello! My name is Danielle Palmer and this is my third year as an Early Childhood Special Educator working with preschool-age children and families in the Central Vermont Supervisory Union. I graduated from Champlain College with an Associates' degree in Early Childhood Education and from Johnson State College with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. My teaching certification is in Early Childhood Special Education. I'm also a graduate of the Snelling Early Childhood Leadership program. I'm passionate about education and value continual learning and self-reflection. Over the years, I’ve worked in a variety of early childhood and educational experiences that have focused on supporting children and families. I enjoy fishing, swimming, dancing, playing with my dog named Abby, and watching my son play basketball.
Please contact me if there are any questions regarding our preschool program and/or services we provide.