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Special Education & SLP

Mrs. Jen Berry

Special Educator


I have been a special education teacher for 29 years.  I graduated from Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, CT.  As a special educator, one the most significant aspects of my work is establishing relationships with my students.  Strong relationships are the stepping stones to building and maintaining success for all.

Personally, I enjoy hiking, biking, kayaking, and photography.  


We can teach our children to flap their wings, but conditions have to be just right for them to fly     

Annie Campbell

Hello! Welcome Back!!

I hope you all had a fabulous summer!   It will be wonderful to see all of you again!  

Mrs. Danielle Palmer

Hello! My name is Danielle Palmer and this is my third year as an Early Childhood Special Educator working with preschool-age children and families in the Central Vermont Supervisory Union. I graduated from Champlain College with an Associates' degree in Early Childhood Education and from Johnson State College with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. My teaching certification is in Early Childhood Special Education. I'm also a graduate of the Snelling Early Childhood Leadership program. I'm passionate about education and value continual learning and self-reflection. Over the years, I’ve worked in a variety of early childhood and educational experiences that have focused on supporting children and families. I enjoy fishing, swimming, dancing, playing with my dog named Abby, and watching my son play basketball.

Please contact me if there are any questions regarding our preschool program and/or services we provide.