Phone: 802-433-6653
Qualifications: Studied Elementary Education at The University of Vermont Studied Curriculum and Instruction with an Early Education focus at Lyndon State College
Mrs. Ashley MacCormack
I have been an early educator in Vermont for 16 years and most of that time has been spent here at WES.
I truly enjoy working with preschoolers and their families to help build an early love for learning and school. I believe in building on our concepts and skills through play in a safe, nurturing environment that includes stimulating materials and activities, knowledgeable adults, and ample interactions with peers. Together, we all have fun, learn, and grow!
Colette Smith
Williamstown Elementary Preschool Program
Our preschool program is a play based program using Creative Curriculum, The Vermont Early Learning Standards and our students' interests to design our learning environment and guide our curriculum. Our classroom is set up with 7 centers; Library, Art, Blocks, Pretend, Toys and Games, Sensory, and Discovery. The materials in our centers are chosen to help our preschoolers build their skills while providing opportunities to build language and practice social skills. Our centers change with the seasons and with our learning themes. Circle Time is a favorite time of day when we come together to share in stories, songs, and games. We interact with new concepts, practice skills, and make crafts during Table Time activities and we love to go outside everyday.
Our preschool team (teachers, teacher assistants, special educators, and speech language pathologist) work closely together and with families to support the learning of every unique preschool kiddo.
Preschool sessions are four half days per week.
Specials - Our preschoolers have class with each of our specialists, Art, Music, Library, and Wellness, once each month.
Family Outings - Throughout the school year we partner with Head Start to offer a variety of Family Outings such as nature walks, Dabble Day, and trips to places such as Liberty Orchard and Monsthire Museum.